
Friday, May 2, 2014

Review: The Prey

The Prey
The Prey by Allison Brennan

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3 stars, but just barely. Too long, too much romance, sex-scenes (how many, 3?) boring, to long, and too plain.
A few nice twists, but most I could see coming - the one I did not see coming, at 55% was a nice change for once, and for that the 3d star is warranted.
But the ending was as expected. As I had been reading a few books/series by her out of order, I cannot be entirely sure, but I think, the earlier books , was published 2005, have not enough suspense and too much romance.
This would have been better without the main characters thinking too much about it, and shortened about 30% (cut, I mean).
In the end, this not the page-turner I expected and I had a hard time finishing it. No recommendation.

As I do not have bought the other 2 books in the series yet, I will read something entirely different.
Maybe finish some of the books I started and paused.

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