Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Preordered this one February 1st 2014 and looked forward to reading it.
So much so, I nearly abandoned all other books and activities when it arrived on my Kindle.
Wow! Did not see the twist coming, although it was a logical decision, and one with big repercussions on the life and interactions in the book(s) to come.
While not planned to be that way, this twist will even influence the political realities in the series, the fallout me be difficult to guess, but it could be a split between factions.
Just the perfect mix of action and romance for me.
Sydney is my favorite person in this series, headstrong and intelligent.
The book is rather short, but as I think a lot of books could be shorter, this was ok for me, here I found nothing to cut away.
The next one is preordered already, supposed to be published February 2015: [b:The Ruby Circle|8709528|The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines, #6)|Richelle Mead|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1403034054s/8709528.jpg|18752344].
Highly recommended.
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