Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This writer popped up on my list for books as "other people have bought/lent/stolen this" whenever I searched for certain books or bought a book, so I researched this a bit and finally caved, got a good deal from Amazon.De (after realizing they sell 2 differently priced eBooks of this, I bought the cheaper one), too.
Also I had an Amazon Gift Card from XMas, so I did not really pay for it myself.
Great page-turner, a few nice twists, some romance, a short non-explicit, plain sex-scene.
But also rape, lots of blood and very grizzly murders. Not for the squeamish!
Hm, what to tell about the book without spoiling anything? Could have had more twists, but I can live with that.
The information about Amish and their way of life was very interesting and the thrown in language makes this an interesting read (the words and expressions look like Dutch and/or German, but have often a slightly different, special meaning, having evolved from their origin).
Highly recommended book about a serial killer. Bought the next book in the series instantly.
this might well be my last finished book for 2014.
On Goodreads I have now read and reviewed 107 books with a self-set goal of 104.
In reality, counting novellas as books, I read a few more, some I did not find at Goodreads, or did not review:
read in 2014 gelesen
115 englisch + deutsch (English and German books together)
5 deutsch (German)
110 englisch (English)
of these
114 where eBooks (Kindle, ePub converted to Kindle) and
1 Paperback.
I have started quite a few books (12 in 2014, I think) which I have not finished, but also cannot bring myself to count as abandoned ( DNF ), I hope to finish some of them sometime.
Even though this was not work, sometimes you have other things to do, I will not set my goal for 2015 higher but will stay with 104 books. We will see how that turns out.
View all my reviews
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