All Good Deeds by Stacy Green
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was selected as BOTM (Book of the Month) read for January 2015 in the Goodreads Group "Psychological Thrillers" of which I am a member.
After I skipped such obvious bad choices like Stephen King and did not manage to read Hit List in time, barely reading a few pages, I will try to read this in January 2015.
Depending on how it grips me. As the discussion in "Psychological Thrillers" started early I skimmed it, and it sounds interesting.
Also I bought the book late in 2014, so the price change due to changing laws on January, 01st 2015 in the EU and therefore Germany did not affect me.
Prices of non-German ebooks might rise due to the tax which is calculated from 2015 on according to the country in which they are sold, which is 19% now in Germany (before Amazon, Apple and maybe others chose a loophole and charged a lot less).
Ok, sorry for the OT-rant.
The book is a gripping-page-turner, with enough suspects to keep this interesting, although so far it is bit like the sometimes mentioned railroad, there might be a fork, but mostly the book goes in one direction. A few books, even from bestselling, well known writers like [a:Val McDermid|5672|Val McDermid|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1241725522p2/5672.jpg], tend to drag a bit in the middle. This might be the case here, but I will try to read fast to either get past that part or see that it does not.
At this point it is also not entirely clear who are the good guys and girls, I suspect a twist regarding the Kidnapper and wether or even if! it is a kidnapping, so far there could be other solutions. The missing girl could have had an accident and slowly be starving of first (now that would be my kind of twist, if the dead body was found later - just be glad I do not write books).
Oh, wow, just had the two twists at the 53%-mark, about, hm, ok, will not spoil it and ..., one I did see coming, but the devil is in the details, and while it was signaled before there was a secret and expected, what really happened in the past, I did not see coming. Great twists, both of them.
And shortly after that a third one, that was even more of a surprise, but also a stretch to believe, just bordering on Fantasy-Island.
Later, near the end, a few loose ends, with a strong one for the next book in the series.
The 5 stars I gave are maybe a bit much, more like 4.5, because the last twists and the show-stopper near the end, where a bit much and too unbelievable convenient.
If the series goes in the same direction, it might end up like Dexter (the books by [a:Jeff Lindsay|10482|Jeff Lindsay|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1198012537p2/10482.jpg]): a very good idea, with some brillant ideas but loosing steam in the later books, with the first being the best. But as with Dexter I will certainly read the next one(s) in the series.
Highly recommended page-turner, also the background very real and even in the details well researched what can be done and what not (with an IP-Adress or other tech), I could not detect any errors, and that is certainly a rare plus for this up-to-date-tech in books (which we will hopefully see more often from tech-savy writers, not anymore blundering along with a typewriter from the last century).
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