Time's Edge by Rysa Walker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Almost all I said for the first in the series, Timebound, also applies to this book.
Great second book in the series, romance - love-triangel is just right, not too much and not too unbelievable.
Still sex-scenes only hinted at, happening off-page.
Really like the main characters.
Tweaking the time-line just to save one person proves difficult, if you do not know the repercussions.
The third and probably final book is supposed to be published later this year, and I will order it as soon as possible.
There are a few additional books in the same universe by different writers, which I just bought but have not read yet.
The setting of these books, observing the past with the help of a time-machine is entirely believable.
Highly recommended.
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