My rating: 5 of 5 stars
As I have a thing for filmed books, as soon as I read that there is a series made, I grabbed up this book and soon started it. That I already bought the Novella The Butcher of Anderson Station, helped, as the series was already on my radar.
Most of the book two alternating pov's, Miller (the detective) and Holden (the righteous man).
Complicated enough to grab ones attention even for the long read this has been.
A lot of action and some bloody fights keep the action going, but peppered with a few twists and decisions which while looking good or even inevitable at the time they where made, they have more or less unexpected results, and show that there might be a problem setting all information free.
Moral and later in the book self-justice gets discussed, although this is one case I think it is justified.
Still, to see it developed, handled and discussed makes for a nice change, in a lot of US-American books I read the last few years, this gets not questioned, or all acting persons agree with the vigilante (which I normally do not, this one case being the exception of the rule).
This book, the first in a series, has for me the makings of a TV-series which could be the next Game of Thrones, but a skimmed a few reviews of the next book, and I may be wrong, although the ratings are even higher. Still bought it, and will read it soon. Not sure wether this series is finished, but so far 5 novels and a couple of shorties / novellas have been published, so they may go on. Edit: have not checked correctly, or it has been added recently, but on Goodreads they list this series now as 9 books, with #06 expected to be published 2016, the following without a planned date.
Will comment this review when I have watched the (currently 4 episodes) TV-Series.
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