My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Overall the series gets a lower 3.5, rounded to 3.
Fast read, with a lot of action, too much romance, no sex, no swear words and the heroine cries too much for my taste. It could have done with sex, preferably something kinky (demon-fairie ?).
This is, together with the first 2 books in the series, a read for a rainy weekend.
Have read other books in between, so it took me longer, and then I could not wait to finish it, to read something different (hopefully better). Still, have read worse.
Some actions or decisions feel forced, and predictable, as is the main ending (sorry, if you count that as a spoiler, I do not).
My favourite heroine is strong, not whiny, does not cry (at least not a lot), and makes strong decisions and is sure of herself. This not the case with Sophie, most decisions and actions are group decisions and sometimes even then changed by actions of someone of the other groups fighting for domination or to kill all supernatural beings.
Also with her powers ... well, in this third book there is a change, which does not sit too well with me, and, without spoiling it, is a bit sudden, after (view spoiler) ah, well, I am not an author, so ok, I have to accept that. But it does not work for me.
Like most of the writing and for a fast, fluffy feel-good read I still recommend it, if you can stand the crying and the pesky love-triangle (which I could have done without). Will look for the other books by this author, and check them out, when I feel like it.
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