My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow! Got this on my TBR (& bought)-pile far too long.
This SF with battle, a few things about wormholes and space travel are not really explained, but should be know beforehand (STNG/Deepspace 9 or other SF books). Cannot really imagine how you would read this without the knowledge, but maybe these parts can be skipped, the main parts of the story are well explained. Still, an appendix or index with explanations would have helped (yes, even me).
While some scenes where a bit long, and I had trouble with the small print (wavy lines of words), the main reason I prefer ebooks to printed books which lack adjustable font-sizes (and search capabilities), this was simply a great read.
No sex though but luckily no love-triangle, nor instalove either.
The main characters are well developed, and quite a lot of minor characters get a little background without that being boring or getting too long.
And then the AI, since Pohl: Gateway have I not read such great conversations with an AI. Simply genius.
Great plot-twists some I did not see coming, but going into details here would mean spoiling the fun! Bloody fights, mass-killings, necessary mass-killings, and some interesting decisions from the AI.
Highly recommended, strong 5 stars.
If you can plan your time for this book, I suggest reading it in a single setting or a long, rainy weekend. The next book is expected to be published mid-to-late October 2016, I have the Kindle ebook in pre-order.
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