My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow, review will get more detailed in the next few hours.
Finished this 1 am this morning, and then then it started raining cats&dogs - really big ones, together with thunder and flashes. And after a night of little sleep I woke up and instantly checked the news, a sad day: the UK has decided to leave the EU.
Back to the book. Mostly, I could repeat myself from Compulsion.
Luckily no love-triangle this time, but Max does question herself too much and thinks about what she wants and cannot decide one way or the other, ending regarding the direction of her own romance is open. It was just too much, some of it did nothing for me.
Again, sex is mentioned, but mostly happening off-page.
The characters where very well developed, with a high point regarding the very real description of Tommy, an intelligent, but slow person, by some regarded as handicapped and often (falsely) labeled as retard. As should be more often the case, the use of social-media, smartphones, computers, iPads/Tablets is part of the story, with the theme of cyber-bullying being the main reason for a lot that happened. Vicious teenagers galore. All of this described without any faults I could find, which in the last few years was rather the exception, I hope to see more books like this, where the technology in the book feels like the author uses it herself (or himself). Very well done.
Could have a few more twists, thinking now, in looking back I rated this too high with 5 stars, more like 4.5 or maybe even less.
Highly recommended page-turner. Preordered this and could not wait to read it, fueled by reading to many not so good books lately (The Circle, Fool Moon). Allison Brennan did not let me down, but it could have had more twists and be a little shorter (Max problems not so big). Will certainly buy and read the next book. Also I will check for the German translation to recommend this series to my mother and probably my sister.
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