My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Snatched this up for free, as I was not too satisfied with the last book, I would not have bought this.
Not sure, if and when I will read it.
Not recommended. A few short suspenseful scened (the beginning) could not save it, without spoiling it, it is dangerous to say more. Not enough twists, and I think there should have been more people killed. Would have liked to be surprised, but sadly I was not, it plays out like I expected from nearly the beginning, and even that could been more interesting. The little group huddles together and manage to somehow solve the crime, not very convincing. While the idea was good and different in the first book, now it is worn out for me and too much of the same is not very interesting. Still regard the second book as the best so far in the series (the crime was better). Sex is mentioned, romance is advancing, but no details, which I think is ok for this story, explicit (or kinky) sex-scenes would have been nice, but would not have saved the book and would not have fit in the feeling from the first two books.
Took me too long to read it, as I had to force myself to finish it. Thought about DNFing it, but my Kindle displayed a supposed 90min. reading time left, which did not warrant it to DNF for me. That said, the 90 min. was stretched into 3 days while looking in other books and doing other things.
Glad I did not pay for it, may not even read the next books if the they are free for me.
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