My rating: 4 of 5 stars
On a lark and as the price was ok, I bought the (current) rest of the series, having already bought this one in 2015 and the fourth book June 2016.
Setting is in the UK (hm, for some reason I thought Ireland, not sure where that came from).
This is comparable to the Kate Redman series and the Erika Foster series.
So what is the difference or why should you read it - or not)?
First you might read this review of the third Erika Foster, a clear 5 star and this review if Imago (Kate Redman).
So what is this book? As a first in a series, and because I feel like it, I gave 4 stars. The UK-feeling is bit better than, in "Imago", but still not as good as in the "Erika Foster" books. But that may change with the next books, for better or worse. What is also comparable are the the heroines, Kim vs. Erika vs. Kate, all are strong willed, flawed and do their own thing, being single, mostly keeping to themself and getting reprimanded despite their success-rate.
Interesting twists, which although clues where given (I did not check back, but believe they where given), most I did not see coming, one is rather surprising, one I did see coming, it was just too obvious, but I cannot write about it, without spoiling the story. As most twists where near the end, it became a bit much, and one felt like a break in the story, not being built-up to it, just directly after the first reveal.
Also in the middle (as I find a lot of crime books, even Val McDermid at times) it dragged a little, with suspense highest in the beginning and the last third. So it was not entirely a page-turner and took me too long, but that may also be because of other duties beside reading.
Highly recommended, I do not believe that will change with the next books, but wether they warrant 4 or even 5 stars remains to be seen.
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