My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Oh, nearly forgot to mention it, this is about a (new, in the UK) Body Farm.
The first Body Farm is in Tenessee. So expect there to be some gruesome descriptions, maggots and flies.
Not quite 5 stars, dragged a little in the middle, and I did not really like one of the characters (Tracy), although her development and what happened to her both as a child and later was very well done. Bit much though what with all the bullying - this being the main reason and background theme in this book.
The ending was fantastic, not Kim alone fighting this time, also being against vigilante killings:
"In truth she believed xxx deserved to die for what xxx had done to no-name-no-spoiler. But she would never believe their punishment to be the prerogative of anyone other than the justice system."
Exactly, while some books (and MC's) tend to overlook self-metered justice by the unwashed public, or even condone it, this is my kind of heroine and thinking.
So, not entirely 5 stars, more like 4.5 for dragging a bit in the middle, but still better than a lot of other thrillers.
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