My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Review to follow soon, I hope.
Highly recommended YA-crime-page-turner with a gay teen coming into his own.
So, before I forget everything about this book...
This was quite good gay thriller, with the MC using a tinder-like-gay app on his iPhone to hookup.
While certainly sex did happen, it was off page, and the scenes did not creep me (hetero) out.
But that was only the underlying frame for a story about a cult-like-Terrorgroup, targeting homophobe groups and people, killing both and also innocents and targeting more.
The technology described feels real, not SF or near-future-like, and is abused, with deadly consequences.
The MC has sympathies for the goals of the Gay-Terror-Group, being gay himself and falls for them, helped by being duped from both the FBI and the charismatic leader of the Terror-Group. He thinks at one point that killing ani-gay fanatics (true-birthers, christians, anti-abortionists etc.) is ok, but balks from the killing of innocents. He changes his mind a few times and the issues get muddled, and sometimes quite brutal, resulting in several action-scenes where he has to save himself and others, some are unbelievable way-over-the-top-X-Men-like-Superhero-stuff, but fun to read,
and as described, even just this side of realistic.
Also, after the case is closed, you get what others would build into a series or at least a second book, or simply leave unsolved: the aftermath of it, what happens next, both to the FBI-Agents and to the Hero/MC? You get a short overview of how his live goes on, nice touch.
For a debut, and a book a little out of my normal comfort zone, a 5star recommendation, an author I will watch for more books to read.
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