My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Bought with an Amazon XMas Gift certificate from my Sister Katja and her Husband Andreas.
April 25th, 2020:
The limited TV series is now in Germany on AppleTV+ - of which I have the first year free with my iPhone 11.
The book is not translated in German, well that does not concern me, reading it english, but it is strange.
And the German title of the TV-Series is "Verschwiegen" not too bad, compared to "Quicksand" which has the German title "Im Traum kannst du nicht lügen" (translates to "You cannot lie in (a) dream"), which is also the title of the German translation of the book, but really bad and nonsensical nonetheless, imho. Probably the same people who thought “Thirteen reasons why” translates good to “Tote Mädchen lügen nicht” (meaning “Dead Girls do not lie”)...
Started reading this today, as I just checked and now all episodes of the TV-Series are available - meaning I can binge them, which is really the purpose of streaming series. But I will try to finish the book first, to better compare it to the series.
No real suspense, and I hate the father as a narrator. Will try to fast-forward and finish it today or tomorrow, as this smells like 2 star DNF-bore. The interesting parts are the social media relevations, but these are sprinkled sparingly inbetween. Not so sure wether I will like the TV-series, but I will try. Still waiting for a twist, hopefully one I did not guess.
Just having finished it, I still hate it. The ending of the story does not really twist it enough, and for me this is no justice, but rather a desperate ending.
No justice, no peace, ignore the police... (or the law).
Still, it was a surprise and that alone saves this mediocre book from getting 2 stars, pushing it to 3.
After the book ends, there are a few pages with more information and a section further reading, there one of the books is another book I have still on pause for a few years now for the missing suspense, and I will really count it more as a DNF We Need to Talk About Kevin - and it has also been filmed, which makes my question why? OK, then there are the people who filmed Gone Girl, so, obviously, there is an audience for bad movies from worse books.
Recommended if you want to bore yourself brainless. No suspense, only one twist (nearly the ending), no surprises and too many brainless thoughts from the father, quite a lot of do nothing to further the story. So to put it out there, not recommended as interesting, suspenseful entertainment or food for thought. Will watch the series on AppleTV+, probably in FF, if it is as bad as the book.
And I will never read another book by this author.
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