My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Rating: 2,8-3 Stars rounded up to 3 for being the first book,
both in a series and the first (and most probably only) book
by this author I read.
Was cheap when I bought the ebook, as where 2 and 4 of the series,
so I bought the 4 books and later gave 2, 3 and 4 back, as they will
be a waste of time.
The premise and setting (New Zealand) sounded interesting and
the blurb quotes promised a page-turner.
Was that wrong: yeah, if you want a sleeping pill...
Way too long with descriptions which where ok, but did nothing
for me for the story. Could have been at least 1/3 shorter.
My real tipping point was a long description af the failure (!)
to change a tire on a borrowed truck, while having no cell-phone
reception to call for help.
For quite some time the reason for the killing (and therefore the
real case) is unkown to the MC and the reader.
Also, while it is within reason, the MC is doing quite a lot
on her own, something I really do not like, as a main plot-device
in crime (Kathy Reichs does that too often in her Bones books).
A of the aditional information is really whell put together and
explained, but all in all it is too much and too wordy for me.
The MC is also not real interesting, she thinks about boring things too much.
Took me too long, as I was not that much interested.
So, for me this not page-turner and I would not recommend it,
barely 3 stars.
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